Single Slot Cavity Antennas Assembly

Nov 13, 2013  A single-element shunt-capacitance stub network, placed at the junction of the input coaxial connector and the cavity, was used for matching with Smith-Chart techniques. A model of the unit is shown in Fig. To further lower the operating frequency, the electrical length of the slot was increased by altering the disc in the vane region. By using dual slot at the cavity edges to substitute a single slot at the cavity center as the radiating element, gain of the cavity backed slot antenna has been improved about 1.7 dB whereas its total size is little reduced. A thin flexible wrap-around antenna assembly, particularly suitable for use in conjunction with a propelled vehicle such as a missile, is disclosed and generally includes a first or inner cylindrical thin conductor that can be flush-mounted on the skin of the propelled vehicle and a second concentrically positioned outer cylindrical thin conductor having an axial length which is equal to one.


Onb17ch002e Antenna Assembly

Single Slot Cavity Antennas Assembly

Slot Antenna

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